Thursday, May 1, 2014

Change In Routine

The sun has been shining in Seattle! I could hardly stand sitting in my office or staying indoors at the school all day this week, so most evenings I would get home and go for a walk no matter how tired my legs thought they were. My pace was about 20-30 seconds off last night during my 3.7 mile walk so I knew it was time to take a break from the routine, despite the "need" to be outside enjoying the sunshine.

Tonight I was on my way home from work and got a message from a friend that they were in the UDistrict and could I meet them to go to the Museum of Flight. The first Thursday of the month is free (and I'm not going to be available for several days and they are often busy) so I said "heck yah!" We got a bus to downtown, the grabbed a Zipcar (I love that- and Car2Go!) and zipped down to the Museum. Had a great time wandering around AND I'm still counting it as exercise... though I don't recommend exercising in high heels! Blisters started to come back.

What an amazing day and a break from the normal routine of gray, rainy spring days in Seattle and walks around the neighborhood.

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