Saturday, January 5, 2019

Take Two

I'm sitting on the bench in the fitness center crying.

After all the neglect and abuse I showed my body last year, and the horrible things I thought and said about it, I looked in the mirror now and saw beauty, strength, possibilities.

I struggled in 2018. A lot. With a lot of things. It added up to increased stress and increased weight, and deceased strength and decreased self image.

But as I look in the mirror, only a few days into 2019, I see my beauty, strength, and possibility never left. I just needed to look past my circumstances to see me.

Dear body,
I'm so sorry for the negative things I said and thought about you. I'm so sorry for neglecting to care for you by eating well, by doing physical activities that I love, or by reducing stress in my life. I'm sorry I almost gave up on you.
I see you. I see how beautiful and strong you are. I see that you are worth the fight. Thank you for reminding me how much I need you and need to take care of you if I want you to be around for a long time.
We've got this. We're a team.


  1. Thank you Becky. This is beautiful like you. Here is to a hopeful 2019. ❤️
