Sunday, March 24, 2024

Don't SHOULD Yourself

I'm just going to dive right in and confess that it's not going well. It started pretty well, and I lost five pounds. But for the last two and a half months, I've been losing and re-gaining the same additional three or four pounds... I just can't break past the ten pound mark.

I'm not consistent and I know that's why I'm struggling to lose weight. Also know that the stress level is the key factor in my inconsistency. I'll have a few good days - low stress at work, eating homemade healthy foods, exercising, sleeping well, and feel pretty good about it. But then I have a hard day at work and I'll eat crap so that my physical body feels as bad as my mental state. I know I shouldn't eat the crap but this is an old, old bad habit. So right now, instead of shaming myself for doing it, I'm working on recognizing when I'm doing it and being gentle with myself. (Hello #emotionalbraintraining skills!)

I also caught myself over-eating the other night when we were out to eat. We were at a little local Thai restaurant we recently discovered. I had ordered a light, fresh chicken dish. I was listening to my hunger cues... and telling myself that I "should" take half of it home for lunch the next day. At the end of the meal, I had left enough to be a satisfying meal for my lunch the next day. Then my husband reached over and stabbed a big piece of chicken and I thought "well, that's not enough for a filling lunch and not enough for leftovers, so I might as well eat the rest." Seriously, that was my thought process. 

And I got so mad at my husband! I snarled at him the way her snarls at me when I eat a piece of his pancake (that he'd told me I could have before we started eating). It was ugly. I know I shouldn't have reacted like that. We had been sharing and it was fine.... until it wasn't. I'm still a little mad at him for eating that piece of chicken, but I'm more disappointed in myself for not using my "oh well statement" I created with Noom several weeks ago. I should have just let it go and said "oh well," and left the rest on the plate anyway. But I didn't, I ate it and then I beat myself up because I "should have" known better and "should have" done better. 

The other thing I'm "shoulding" on myself about is that when I first started this blog 10 years ago, all I had to do was start walking, logging my food, and the weight just melted off. I'm fighting the harsh inner critic that keeps telling me "you should be doing better. You should have lost more weight by now." I end up feeling defeated and ashamed. 

So what's the cure....? I believe it's mindfulness. And I'm really, really trying hard to be more mindful. However, when I'm extremely stressed and tired it's really hard to be mindful. My job is creating too much stress in my life and it's affecting many other areas of my health. Something has to change.

And until it does change, being mindful is going to be hard, but I'm going to give it my best shot. So friends, be mindful... and when being mindful is hard, don't should yourself. 

Grace to you,