This week is about recovery.
I went to the doctor Thursday because I thought I was having really bad allergy symptoms, so I was going to get a stronger allergy whatever. Turns out, it was tonsillitis. Not strep, just inflamed tonsils and lymph nodes, so I still got put on an antibiotic.
I'm finally starting to feel better - praise the Lord! I didn't push myself as hard last week to get to the gym for weights or HIIT. I thought it was just because I preferred being in the sunshine, but I think it was me listening to my body to slow down (and maybe wanting to be in the sunshine had something to do with it).
So, this week I intend to:
* listen to my body. It takes as long as it takes to recover.
* do morning yoga
* walk outside if it's warm enough
* if my body's ready, HIIT twice
* if my body's ready, long walks outside or on the elliptical
* go to bed at 10 pm to give my immune system a fighting chance
* spend more time in prayer meditation and scripture (2 or 3 nights)
It's going to be a good week for improved health. I can just feel it!