Sunday, April 28, 2019

Week Eighteen Intentions

This week is about recovery.

I went to the doctor Thursday because I thought I was having really bad allergy symptoms, so I was going to get a stronger allergy whatever. Turns out, it was tonsillitis. Not strep, just inflamed tonsils and lymph nodes, so I still got put on an antibiotic.

I'm finally starting to feel better - praise the Lord! I didn't push myself as hard last week to get to the gym for weights or HIIT. I thought it was just because I preferred being in the sunshine, but I think it was me listening to my body to slow down (and maybe wanting to be in the sunshine had something to do with it).

So, this week I intend to:
* listen to my body. It takes as long as it takes to recover.
* do morning yoga
* walk outside if it's warm enough
* if my body's ready, HIIT twice
* if my body's ready, long walks outside or on the elliptical
* go to bed at 10 pm to give my immune system a fighting chance
* spend more time in prayer meditation and scripture (2 or 3 nights)

It's going to be a good week for improved health. I can just feel it!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Week Seventeen Intentions

Last week I was unfocused and off track. I was extremely stressed by a situation at work that was out of my control but severely impacted me. My body and the scale reflected that this weekend.

This week, I intend to:
* prioritize caring for myself.
* create my vision board with inspirational photos and quotes and scripture, as well as part my written goals on them
* spend less time on Facebook and Instagram (setting a timer for 25 minutes) and more time in bible study and meditation
* eat only home cooked meals
* continue yoga Sunday - Thursday morning
* do HIIT on the elliptical twice
* lift weights on Monday and Saturday
* go for long walks outdoors or on the elliptical three or more times
* ask for what I need from others to stay healthy or get the support I need

I can and will do this. And my affirmation bracelet I bought the same time as my vision board will remind me I can.

Monday, April 15, 2019

My Adam

(An open letter to God)

I'm so tired of being alone. I want a partner to lean on. Someone to support me and give me strength when I'm tired. To listen to my hurts and be there with me through them.

I want to be able to be there for someone. To be his encourager and supporter. His safe place to come home to at the end of a day's work. Someone to give my love to and who gives his love to me.

I'm realizing that other things, like his job and education level don't matter to me quite so much. What matters more is if he's a good, honest man. Does he work hard? Does he care for me and protect me - emotionally and physically? Can we laugh together? Cry together? Serve together? Does he love You, too?

I'm just tired of being alone, God. Where is MY helper? MY partner?

When you created Adam, you said it's not good for man to be alone, so you created Eve for him. Who did you create me for? Who did you create for me?

I'm tired, God. And I'm lonely. Where is MY Adam?

Week Sixteen Intentions

Again with the missed week and late post. Life flew by and, well, here we are.

This week, I intend to:
* do yoga five days
* lift weights twice
* do HIIT twice and long walks twice
* go dancing
* eat better balanced meals
* pray more, worry less
* be ok with crying if I need to
* look for moments to be grateful

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Week Fourteen Intentions

Wait, what about week thirteen? And why are you posting the week's intentions when the week is halfway through?

Life, my friend, life... stuff happens.

I've really been on a roll since my trainer very firmly told me I could do exactly what he said or I'd be on my own. I needed a long distance reality check that my current way wasn't working; I needed to back to the good way he'd helped me establish.

I am finally back on track, thanks to my social media fast and firm resolution to stick to my healthy plans. I lost nine pounds last month and have about five and a half more to go to get back to my healthy goal weight.

But this week is spring break. I'm traveling. It would be so easy to put my healthy eating plans aside and say I'll pick back up after break. But I'm not. This week during spring break, I intend to:

* do yoga each morning
* track my meals, because even if I can't plan them, I can control how much I eat
* get at least 5000 steps each day
* go for a long walk at least three afternoons
* hit the fitness center weight room the day I leave and the day I get back
* read my bible study at least 3 days
* sleep 8 hours at night

So even though the week is halfway through, this is the plan I entered the week with. So far, so good! What's your plan?