A few weeks ago I joined "diet bet" and bet on myself, that I could lose 4% in 4 weeks. The first week I gained 4 pounds . The second week I lost 2 pounds. I need to lose about 9 pounds to win my bet, otherwise I forfeit my buy in and someone else gets my money.
I intend to try as hard as I can to win. It won't be easy, but I'm gonna give it my best effort. I contacted my trainer friend in Salt Lake City to ask for his help. He said I need to do exactly what he says and eat a specific number of calories a day with the macro balance that we decided works best for me. If I don't do that, he can't help me.
I'm not gonna lie. It's intimidating. I know it's gonna be hard. Really hard. But even if I don't hit the diet bet scale number, I'll have a victory because I tried. And because I started making myself, my health, a priority again.
This week, I intend to:
- eat exactly as planned, key word PLANNED. I made the plan yesterday and I'm sticking to it for two weeks.
- exercise as planned: 2 weight workouts, 2 HIIT workouts on the elliptical, yoga every day before work, and long low intensity elliptical sessions on the non weight/non HIIT days.
- stick to my 8:30 wind down time on school nights (which I'm already breaking tonight. I'm gonna do better tomorrow!)
- drink 60-80 ounces of water a day
- finish strong on the last week of my Bible study
This week, I'm primarily focusing on caring for my physical healthy. Phew! It's gonna be a fight, but I've got it in me!