Sunday, February 19, 2017

Motivational Coaching

A few weeks ago, a loved one said to me, "Becky, I need you to be my long-distance motivational coach. I'm at the heaviest weight I've ever been. I need help getting it off." My response was that I was also struggling to get some weight off that I'd gained recently, I wasn't sure I could help motivate. Of course, this was while family was gathered for my grandpa's funeral weekend, and we were chatting over snack foods at my grandma's house... January was a rough month, y'all.

But it's February now, and I'm turning things around. I've refocused on my goals, gotten over the cold and sinus infection I was dealing with, said goodbye to some unhealthy relationships with people in my life, and gotten some bad dental work fixed so I feel confident in my smile and ability to eat/chew food.

For the last eight days I've had focus, persistence, dedication to my goals. I've exercised according to the plan I made with my trainer (not the one he gave me, but the one WE made together, I've got ownership in it). I've eaten healthier and bipassed sweets and snacks (even on Valentine's day!) because I was keeping my goals in sight. It's not a permanent "no" to those things, just a "not right now".

Friday morning, while thinking about my weekly weigh in coming on Saturday morning, I texted my trainer. I said that no matter what the scale says on Saturday morning, I'm going to continue eating well and exercising, because I like the way I feel physically and mentally. He cheered my positive thinking. And Saturday morning I was rewarded with a healthier feeling in my body, and also a lower number on the scale.

So here's my motivational tips:
1. Talk to your doctor and a certified personal trainer about health goals. Make a plan together.
2. Break down those goals into mileposts that you can celebrate along the way.
3. Stay focused on those goals. Put them into powerful, positive phrases that will motivate you.
4. Check in with how your body feels mentally and physically. Withdrawl from the bad habits will be hard to break, but once you start making good choices a regular habit you'll notice how good your body feels. The goals aren't just numbers, they are powerful, positive feelings about your body.

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