Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Week Fourteen Intentions

Wait, what about week thirteen? And why are you posting the week's intentions when the week is halfway through?

Life, my friend, life... stuff happens.

I've really been on a roll since my trainer very firmly told me I could do exactly what he said or I'd be on my own. I needed a long distance reality check that my current way wasn't working; I needed to back to the good way he'd helped me establish.

I am finally back on track, thanks to my social media fast and firm resolution to stick to my healthy plans. I lost nine pounds last month and have about five and a half more to go to get back to my healthy goal weight.

But this week is spring break. I'm traveling. It would be so easy to put my healthy eating plans aside and say I'll pick back up after break. But I'm not. This week during spring break, I intend to:

* do yoga each morning
* track my meals, because even if I can't plan them, I can control how much I eat
* get at least 5000 steps each day
* go for a long walk at least three afternoons
* hit the fitness center weight room the day I leave and the day I get back
* read my bible study at least 3 days
* sleep 8 hours at night

So even though the week is halfway through, this is the plan I entered the week with. So far, so good! What's your plan?

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