Saturday, March 9, 2019

Week Eleven Intentions

The last few weeks have been way too busy, and mentally draining that led to physical exhaustion. Last week, I stopped doing all the extra things on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, I went to my dance lesion but not the fitness center. Friday, I was at work late, got home to a late dinner and spent the evening chilling on my couch.

My body appreciates me resting, but it didn't help me in my diet bet. The scale stayed the same all week, which is better than going up. (The stagnant scale could also also be a related to monthly cycles and changes in water retention.)

I track my food with an app, and at the end of the day, after logging everything I ate and exercise, it estimates what I'd weigh I'm 5 weeks if every day were like that day. If I stick with my current eating and exercise plans, I'll be back at my goal weight in 5 weeks.

Last weekend, after one week on the plan, that seemed overwhelming. I told myself to take it one week at a time.

Now, at the end of my second week, I'm going to give it one more week. One week at a time.

My intentions for this week are to:
* plan meals that help me meet my calorie goals
* shop and meal prep this weekend
* drink 60 (or more) ounces of water every day
* practice yoga for 20 minutes each morning Sunday - Thursday
* do 25 minutes of HIIT training on the elliptical twice this week
* "jog" on the elliptical for 45 minutes three or four times this week

One week, one day, at a time. As Dave Ramsey says (to paraphrase), you wander into debt, but you have to be intentional about getting out. You have to have a plan and gazelle-like intensity.

Just replace debt with weight. That's my plan.

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