Thursday, March 14, 2019

If You Give a Teacher A Plan...

It's the night before the end of the quarter and I'm totally relaxed. It's the weirdest feeling ever.

Normally, teachers are frantically entering grades, writing comments, and all sorts of other end of quarter projects. But I'm pretty chill. And this is a first. No, I didn't forget something (or some things). I spread out my projects and started them earlier, giving myself earlier deadlines.

I did this because I knew what I wanted tonight to be like. I did not want the usual late night at school, either having a late dinner once I finally got home at 9 pm, ordering pizza delivers to school and eating most or all of it because I'm stressed, or skipping dinner altogether. I wanted a night with dinner at home before going to dance lessons. I wanted a night with a normal meal time. I wanted a night where I can get well rested for the big event after a full day of teaching tomorrow.

I wanted a low stress day. So I planned for it.

Best. Plan. Ever.

Planning to stagger my deadlines and get things done early allowed me to take care of my life outside of work. Because I didn't have to stay late to finish all those things, I got to eat a healthy, homemade dinner within the time frame my body needs to eat each day.

And because I ate a healthy homemade dinner within my eating window, I will sleep well tonight.

And because I got home to eat in my time frame, I was able to go to my dance lesson.

And because my school work is done, my dinner eaten in my eating window, and my dance lesson attended, I will sleep well tonight, well rested and ready for a very full day to wrap up the third quarter.

All thanks to good planning.

If I can do this with my school work and eating habits, I should do this with my finances....

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